with the wind in our back
from the west coast of
Africa, shortly we will see
the shape of an island that
cannot deny its volcanic
origin. Wild landscape
formed by volcanic cones,
sea of lava, wineyards, palm
groves and agricultural
fields boasts all ranges of
colours. There is an
absolute contrast. Red,
black and ochre tones of the
volcanic stones are
separated from the deep
turquoise of the ocean by a
thin stripe of beaches made
from the finest Sahara sand.
Often times this line is
highlighted by a white surf
foam, which with unceasing
strenght blasts into rough
cliffs formed by lava
The villages, which from far
remind us of desert oasis´,
prove that humans will
survive even in a place
where moisture is for most
of the year only night dew
from the trade wind clouds.
Flocks of goats and exotic
camels, siluets of spreading
palm trees, nopal and aloe
vera plantations - this all
will again and again
surprise the visitor with
the harmony in which is
entwined the work of human
hands with impressive
creation of nature.
The island is the promised
land to devotees of cycling
and trekking and also to
those who in the tranquility
of undemanding excursions
will savour rich history,
great cuisine, delicious
wines and last but not least
a luxurious bath in the
Atlantic. |